One With God leo genereux 24May2017
Let me remember I am one with God, remember I am one with God.
Let me remember I am one with God, remember I am one with God.
Let me remember, I am one with God.
Let me remember, I am one with God. One with God.
I will step back and let Him lead the way, let Him lead the way.
I will step back and let Him lead the way, let Him lead the way.
I will step back, let Him lead the way.
I will step back, let Him lead the way. Lead the way.
I am at home, fear is the stranger here, fear is the stranger here.
I am at home, fear is the stranger here, fear is the stranger here.
I am at home, fear is the stranger here.
I am at home, fear is the stranger here. I am at home.
I am in need of nothing but the truth, nothing but the truth.
I am in need of nothing but the truth, nothing but the truth.
In need of nothing, nothing but the truth.
In need of nothing, nothing but the truth. Only the truth.
Fear binds the world, forgiveness sets it free, forgiveness sets it free.
Fear binds the world, forgiveness sets it free, forgiveness sets it free.
Fear binds the world, forgiveness sets it free.
Fear binds the world, forgiveness sets it free. Sets it free.
Peace be to me the holy Son of God, the holy Son of God.
Peace be to my brother who is one with me, brother is one with me.
Let all the world be blessed with peace through us
Let all the world be blessed with peace through us, who are One with God.
One with God, one with God, one with God, one with God.
One with God, one with God, one with God, one with God.
One with God, one with God, one with God, one with God.
One with God, one with God, one with God,
We are one with God.
Adapted from A Course in Miracles. T-p1,p2.;124,155,159,251,332,360.
You Are Here With Me leo genereux 06Jan2016
My toys of guilt defend against the truth
That innocent is all that I could be
No need to hold on to my misery
For You are here with me.
The lies I told myself have made me sad
Belief in sin is just insanity
Today there is no need for feeling bad
For You are here with me.
The arms of fear I gladly lay aside
Without defenses I am free to fly
Over the barriers that would deny
That You are here with me.
Certain as the sun shining everyday
Even when the clouds veil the light
The darkness and the shadows
All have passed away
Your brilliant love dispels the night.
There is nothing to fear
For You are here with me
All sadness disappears
You are here, and all is right.
Ah, ah, ah, love is here
Ah, ah, ah, love's here.
A nightmare's war cannot destroy our peace
It's nurtured by eternal happiness
Protected by the truth that has no end
That You are here with me.
Our toys of guilt defend against the truth
That innocent is all that we could be
We need no longer live in misery
For You are here, and will always be
Yes, You are here with me.
Love is here for, You are here with me
Love is here for, You are here with me.
Your are here with me, You are here with me.
Inspired by A Course in Miracles. W-pI.91.W-pI.153.,W-pI.165.
Making Room For Love leo genereux 31May2017
Judging the world through the ego's eyes
Living was always a compromise
Okay to give a little and take a lot
Okay to be a crook if I don't get caught.
Judging the world through the ego's eyes
Anger and fear's always justified
Reasons to frown were almost always around
Any up I found brought me down.
Feeling nothing was ever enough
Tendency for me was to overstuff
Aggression and depression took their toll
Getting sucked into a big black hole.
Not a moment too soon I chose to find
An alternative to this state of mind
This craziness was caused by mistaking the source
Of the 'me' I think I am.
Peace and joy I offer you
That peace and joy be mine
Only self condemners value war
Only the blind draw battle lines.
Now I'm making room for love
Making room for love.
Peace and joy I offer you
That peace and joy be mine
As I leave self hatred behind
Gentleness blossoms in my mind
Making room for love
Making room for love.
Ah ah ah, making room for love. (4X)
All meaningless gifts I cast aside,
No longer needing to run and hide
Happiness in my heart resides
Beneath the ego's lies
The ego's gifts are valueless,
Idolizing what demands and divides
Blinding me to the bliss that awaits
When I leave my fears behind.
Truth will correct all errors in my mind
Freeing me from ideas that undermine
The love that's always waiting for my little mind to find
Time to make room for love.
Peace and joy I offer to all
That peace and joy be everyone's
Not just for some but for everyone
Letting all fear and anger disappear
Making room for love.
Peace and joy I offer my self
That peace and joy be everyone's
Not just for some but for everyone
Flying above the world is a dove
Remaking my world out of love
Making room for love.
Making room for love
Ah ah ah, making room for love. (3X)
Gotta make room for love, gotta make room for love, (4X)
Making room for love, I'm making room for love (?X)
Making room for love, making a womb for love.
Lyrics inspired by A Course in Miracles. W-pI.127.
Guilt Is leo genereux 04Jul2015
Guilt is the gap
Between you and me
Keeping us wrapped;
In our chosen misery.
Guilt is the trap
Ever ready to spring.
Guilt is the venom.
Each painful sting.
Guilt is the map
That leads to nowhere
Around and around again;
Anger and fear.
Guilt is the rap
I lay on myself;
Sacrificial offerings
To keep me in hell.
Guilt, there's no doubt about it.
Can't 'die' without it.
But you can live without it.
Guilt is the shadow on the world.
Guilt is the game
That I play like a child,
Making believe
That I'm bad for awhile.
Guilt is the blame
I project from my mind,
Making up a world
That's insane and unkind.
Guilt, there's no doubt about it.
Can't 'die' without it.
But you can live without it.
Guilt is the shadow on the world.
Guilt is, the shadow of the world (x4)
Guilt never was
And never will be;
It's just a crazy mind trip,
A mistake in identity.
Guilt is the night
Where dark creatures stay
Love is the daylight
That melts them away.
Guilt, there's no doubt about it.
Can't 'die' without it.
But you can live without it.
Guilt is the shadow on the world.
Guilt, the shadow of the world. (8x)
Inspired by A Course in Miracles, T-p.1.134.5-17
If I Am Bound leo genereux 28Apr2016
If I am bound my Father is not free.
For we both share the same identity
Freedom is the Voice that sings the song of Love
That says no one left below, and no one placed above.
To mad beliefs alone could I be bound
For truth is free and only love surrounds.
No prison walls exists, but in my mind
Projected on a world that I define.
Mistaken to believe I am apart
Correction rectifies my crooked heart
For truth is safe, and only love is sure
Awareness of our oneness Is the cure.
Forgiveness is a call from love to love
That it simply be but what it is
Dreams could not assail
Our true reality
For one is all, and all's forever free.
If I am bound my Father is not free.
For we both share the same identity.
Freedom is the Voice that sings the song of Love;
That says no one left below, and no one placed above.
To mad beliefs alone could I be bound
For truth is free and only love surrounds.
No prison walls exists, but in my mind
Projected on a world that I define.
Mistaken to believe I am apart
Correction rectifies my crooked heart
For truth is safe, and only love is sure
Awareness of our oneness is the cure.
Forgiveness is a call from love to love
That it simply be but what it is
Dreams could not assail our true reality
For one is all, and all's forever free.
Inspired by A Course In Miracles, in particular, Workbook Lesson 278.
Shadow Zone leo genereux 16Mar2020
Dire omens petrify
Panic buying everywhere
Standing in the checkout line
Dwelling on the darkest fears.
Trapped within the shadow zone
Dread surrounds our sinking minds
Filled with tones of the unknown
Are we running out of time?
Here within the shadow zone
Racing towards the exit door
Puppets in a war of forms
Survival is the only law.
By obsessions we are drained
By design we wear my chains
To tolerate this life insane
We gladly choose to be in pain.
In the shadow zone we stand alone
Surrounded by our enemies.
In the shadow zone home is our tomb
And death's the only certainty
In the shadow zone, shadow zone
The shadow zone.
Looking through the ego's eyes
Cruelty is justified
Will our nightmared minds survive
Its apocalytptic ride?
In our morbid dream it seems
No one escapes their penalty
But by letting go all that we know
Instantly we'd be set free.
The shadow zone, the fear syndrome
Where madness mugged reality
The netherworld of dark detours
Where salvation means catastrophe,
Hypnotised by our own lies,
Bondage by identity
By choice we dwell in our dark cells
Of individuality.
In the shadow zone we stand alone
Surrounded by our enemies.
In the shadow zone home is our tomb
And death's the only certainty
In the shadow zone, shadow zone
The shadow zone.
At any moment we could make
Another choice for Heaven's sake
And leave this spell of hell behind
The dark magic of mad mistakes.
Can anything revive the now
Strangled by our insane vow
To be the slave of history
That disallows our Self's release?
The shadow zone will finally end
The instant that we choose again
To awaken to the Light within
That shines away the night we're in.
The shadow zone will finally end
The instant that we choose again
To awaken to the Light within
That shines away the night we're in.
The shadow zone, shadow zone
The shadow zone.
Lyrics inspired by the principles of A Course In Miracles.
Idea leo genereux 28January 2020
I am a thought
In the mInd of God
Formless and free shall always be
In the mind of God.
Beyond beliefs misplaced
Safe in Love's embrace
The nightmare chase is but a childish game
So certain and so clear
Beyond the dream of fear
Within the Mind is where I still remain.
You are a thought in the mInd of God.
Free of sin have always been
In the mind of God.
Beyond dark fantasies
The Light shines endlessly
At any moment you can recognize
So certain and so clear
Beyond the dream of fear
Within this Light is where your self abides.
Idea, idea
Idea, idea.
We are a thought In the mInd of God
Formless and free shall always be
In the mind of God.
That is where we are, that is what we are
Idea in the mind of God
Truth extends but peace
The myth of war has ceased
All conflict disappears in Love's regard.
Idea in the mind of God.
In the mind of God
In the mind of God
In the mind of God.
Inspired by A Course in Miracles. T-29.VII.
Conflicting Wishes leo genereux 17Jan2017
Perpetually conflicted and confused
Exhausted from the constant strain
Of judging everything that I peruse
In the light of personal gain.
Will this shop give me a bargain?
Will that dealer offer 'the deal'?
Eyes keeping busy, checking the price tags
In search of that uncommon steal.
What is the real reason behind
Pushing people out of the way
To be the first shopper in line
On the morning of clearance day?
A motive so dark I'm quick to deny;
The fear driven fight to survive
My hidden world view has no room for you
Because I'm busy just keeping alive.
Our cruel world is just our unfurled
Wish to be separate from Love;
Believing we need to nurture our greed;
Makes us feel that there's never enough.
Conflict was born in madness
The wish to attack and defend
But what if we had a choice to see
All our enemies as our friends?
Conflicting wishes cannot be my will.
Conflicting wishes cannot be my will.
Conflicting wishes cannot be my will.
Conflicting wishes cannot be my will.
A wish to be separate is a wish for pain
Abandon this idea insane.
By chasing away all our phantoms of fear
Love's certainty is all that remains.
Now is the time to change our minds
And join with this unending Love,
Leaving our vicious wishes behind
And gently join with Love.
Conflicting wishes cannot be my will.
Conflicting wishes cannot be my will.
Conflicting wishes cannot be my will.
Conflicting wishes cannot be my will.
Lyrics inspired by A Course in Miracles. T-p2.307
Train Of Fear leo genereux 10Jun2017
Unless my will is one with Love, the gifts of Love are lost
Paradise lays unclaimed at the depot
At the station where I bought the ticket for the nightmare train
By believing there was somewhere else to go.
Each and every passenger knows where they are bound
For no one boards this train unbeknown
By deciding to abandon truth, and substitute our own
We chose to ride in our private cars alone.
Looking out of its windows the world appears bloodstained
Because I'm riding on the nightmare train
Rolling down the track, never coming back
Because I chose to ride the train of fear.
Destination of this journey is known with certainty
Embedded in each ticket holder's mind
Arrival time is optional for every passenger
'Death' is the final stop on this train line.
Rumbling through the darkness in my sleeping car
Dreams of terror fill my sleeping mind
This train of tragedy was the only choice for me
When I chose to leave my waking Self behind.
Hallucinating hardships, hell-bent on calamity
Because I'm riding on the nightmare train
Rolling down the track, never coming back
Because I chose the train of fear.
Maddening and saddening is this train ride insane
Everybody's suffering some form of pain
Only when we choose to lose our guilt-ridden ideas
Can we hope to disembark from the train of fear.
Poverty, Exile, Self-Pity and Dismay;
These are the whistle stops along the way.
Nightmare fantasies have replaced Heaven's reality
A train of fear claims all who self-betray.
But when my will is one with Love, love is all I feel
Paradise resides in the mind that knows
Love is all there is there is nothing but Love
Fear is but the dance of dark shadows.
By not believing my ego's lies
Eyes fill with tears of joy because
The frightened boy has disappeared
My true Identity is forever nightmare-free
Never did It ride the train of fear.
The train of fear, the train of fear
Every body here knows of dark despair
Only when we choose to lose our loveless ideas
Can we hope to disembark from the train of fear.
On the train of fear, the train of fear
Every body here is chained to their cares
only when we choose to dump our dread-filled ideas
can we hope to disembark from the train of fear.
Only when we choose to dump our desperate ideas
Can we hope to disembark from this train of fear
When we finally let go of our self-damning ideas
We can happily step off of the train of fear.
So that it may disappear.
Inspired by A Course in Miracles. W-pI.166; T-23.III.
I Was Mistaken leo genereux 11Nov2016
Through the body's eyes I see but
My desires to be a separate flame
Burning insanely in a world on fire.
By my strange belief in that
Which could never be I seemed
To make the split reality my ego desires.
I look upon this world I made
Where love and truth have been betrayed
The blade of pain cuts me again
My severed dream begins to bleed.
I was mistaken
I was mistaken.
Nothing so blinding as sight
When it confirms the dreads of night
My judgment declares I'm right
And fear is forevermore.
And through the ego's eyes I project my
Guilt to victimize a world I fear and idolize
Where pain drains all form.
I want to see what I denied
Beyond these eyes that witness lies
I want to break free of these chains
Weary prisoner of my own game.
I was mistaken
I was mistaken.
Through the body's eyes I see but
My desires to be a separate flame
Burning insanely in a world on fire.
By my strange belief in that
Which could never be I seemed
To make the split reality my ego desires.
It's my only need
From mindless folly to be freed
I need only to concede
I was mistaken.
I was mistaken
I was mistaken.
Admitting I've been wrong
I finally know where I belong
Outside of this dream of form
Within the Love, where I've been all along.
I was mistaken
I was mistaken
But I can choose again.
I was mistaken
I was mistaken
But I can choose again.
Lyrics inspired by A Course in Miracles. W-pl.228.