I Will Step Back leo genereux 20May2017
There is a way of seeing
In the world that is not here
Although it seems to be.
I do not change appearance
Though I smile more frequently
My eyes are quiet, forehead serene.
The world that was so maddening
Becomes so very still
As I allow His Will to prevail
The madness of illusion
replaced by sanity
breaking free of the ego's jail.
I will step back and let Him lead the way
For I would walk the road to Love
I will step back and let Him lead the way
Bringing with me the world that I made,
Freeing the world that I made.
Choosing to renounce the world
Still believing it was real
Left me with a sense of loss.
Choosing nothing but the world
In hopes it would fulfill
Resulted in a loss deeper still.
I will step back and let Him lead the way
For I would walk the road to Love
I will step back and let Him lead the way
Bringing with me the world that I made,
Healing the world that I made.
With faith do I follow
As truth leads the way.
Gentleness shows me the way to go
The light of forgiveness brightens each day
Feeling the warmth of kindness glow.
I will step back and let Him lead the way
for I would walk the road to Love
I will step back and let Him lead the way
bringing with me the world that I made,
Forgiving the world that I made.
My feet are safely
Upon the road set
That leads my fear-filled world to Love
Reflections of paradise
Replacing all threats,
Hovering angels are just above.
I will step back and let Him lead the way
For I would walk the road to Love
I will step back and let Him lead the way
Bringing with me the world that I made,
Healing the world that I made.
Lyrics inspired by W-pI.155 of A Course in Miracles.
Love Is leo genereux 08Aug2016
Ooo, what is love?
Ooo, what is love?
Love is a state of being, your love is not outside
It is deep within you, deep within
You can never lose it, it cannot leave you
It does not depend on a lover or friend.
Love is the only goal behind each dreamer's dream
Embracing all existence in its joyful completion
Love has no limitations, love is all there is
Nothing is outside of love but meaningless illusion
Meaningless illusion.
In the stillness of your presence
just beyond the veil of form
Beyond separation
All is One, and One is love.
Ooo, this is love.
Ooo, this is love.
Love is the way of seeing, freedom forever from all fears
Hate is healed, pain disappears through the eyes of love
Love is the only call the desperate dreamer needs to hear
To save himself from all imagined nightmares.
Love will never change it will always stay the same
In innocence we all remain within its domain
Patiently love is waiting for all of us to choose to be
Aware of where we really are within its arms eternally
Within the One Love eternally.
In the stillness of your presence
just beyond the veil of form
Beyond separation
All is One, and One is love.
Ooo, this is love.
Ooo, this is love.
Love is a state of being, your love is not outside
It is deep within, deep within you
You can never lose it it cannot leave you
On a lover or a friend love does not depend.
Love is the only goal behind the dreamer's dream
Embracing all existence in completion
Love is limitless, love is all there is
Nothing is outside of love but meaningless illusion.
A way to see forever free from all fears
Hate is healed, disappearing pain, drying all tears
The only call is love, the dreamer needs to hear
To save himself from all imagined nightmares.
Never changing love forever stays the same
Safe and sane we all remain within its domain
Waiting patiently for us to choose to be
Aware that Love is what and where we are eternally.....
Inspired by the universal truths found in A Course in Miracles
and The Power of Now. Italicized sections are phrases in The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
Until We Choose Again leo genereux 14Apr2019
Apparently our story is a glorious rise to fame
From our formless beginnings we played the special game.
Becoming the force for justice, leaders of the race
Driven by the need to make the world a better place.
We are the 'chosen people'
The sons of many names
Busily projecting the guilt that we disclaim
Preemptive is our strategy
To keep our world secure
Attacking evil constantly
Keeping our hearts pure.
Chapter after chapter
That's how our story goes
The saintly judge the sinners
For creeds that would oppose
The winners are the losers
In a world where terror reigns
Wars will rage within us
Until we choose again.
Until we choose again
Until we choose again
Until we choose again.
Effortlessly we can see sinning everywhere
We never fail to villainize what seems to be unfair
Judging others fiercely through our righteous eyes
Careful not to let our hearts forgive all we should despise.
But when will we grow weary of our damning role?
For peace remains the enemy when conflict is the goal
Our names have kept us crazy, murderously insane
Our 'virtue' left us helpless to heal our lust for pain.
Chapter after chapter
That's how our story goes
The saintly judge the sinners
For creeds that would oppose.
The winners are the losers
In a world where terror reigns
And wars will rage within us
Until we choose again.
Until we choose again
Until we choose again
Until we choose again
Only with a change of mind
Will our world of evil fade
Remembering our oneness
Before the names we made.
Where an ancient hymn arises
From deep within our heart
Joining all the brothers
To sing our joyous parts.
Chapter after chapter
Until we choose again
To redefine our storyline
And let the light shine in.
Chapter after chapter
The conflict never ends
Until we climb our wall of fear
And join with love again.
Chapter after chapter
That's how the story goes
Until we choose one name again
And let all the others go.
Until we choose again
Until we choose again
Until we choose again.
Chapter after chapter after chapter
Chapter after chapter after chapter
Chapter after chapter after chapter.
Inspired by the teachings of A Course In Miracles. T-24.I,I,
The Mythical Man leo genereux 04Mar16
All that I thought was true about me
Turns out to be self deception
Being unaware of my ego's sorcery
I believe I am my mythical man invention.
There's a fundamental frown
Beneath the smile you see
Hiding secrets as the migraine pounds
The face of innocence
Conceals the savagery
Within the psyche of the mythical man.
And through his eyes the world appears
To be a battleground of mad ideas
Despair and death await at his door.
All of my pain fear and grief
Come from choosing to deny release
From this mythical man
In his private war.
Faking for love, aching for love
The push and shove of the mythical man
Lying for love, dying for love
The desperate deeds of the mythical man.
Now is the time, the time to choose again
What to guide me in this never, Neverland
The mythical man of war
Or the peace beyond all theory
In the light of Love let darkness disappear.
Now is the time to choose again
Abandoning this crazy scam
Freeing my mind of its misery.
Now is the time to finally heal
Admit the little man was never real
An alien idea that could never be.
Feeling the Love, being the Love
Replacing the nightmare mythical man
Facing the Love, tasting the Love
Erasing the dark little mythical man.
Mythical man, mythical man
Sad little mythical man
Mythical man, mythical man
And so ends the reign of the mythical man.
All that I thought was true about me
Turned out to be self deception.
Inspired by A Course In Miracles. T-4.II,
Running Out Of Time leo genereux 09Oct2015
Heaven was my home, until I chose to be alone
Now I sing a lonely song, no one sings along
The endless love I knew, forgetfulness has sadly veiled
Self-deception is the face that now prevails.
Suffering and pain, are the footfalls of the demon's dance
Guilt replaces truth in my trance reality
Every dreamer tries, each in his own seeming life
Desperately to prove his own identity.
Secret sins, hidden hates, the frantic drive to dominate.
Attacking others in the name of fate
Vying tribe against tribe, in the ancient struggle to survive
Yet, are this world's survivors really alive?
Are this world's survivors really alive?
Every day's the same, up and down in the ego game
Every night's another reminder, of another end
Running out of time, (running out)
Running out of time, (running out)
If this 'life' is all I get, then I am running out of it.
Running out of time. (running out).
Running out of time, (running out)
Running out of time, (running out)
If this 'life' is all I get, then I am running out of it.
Running out of time. (running out).
The illusion takes its toll, the well get sick, and the young grow old
The myth of 'me' is underpinning all my woes
And from this point of view, everyone must pay their dues
Death is undeniable, standing in these shoes.
But, beyond the body's eyes, beyond the madness that I chose
Untouched by time, forever's Love is mine
And so I choose again, forgiveness for the self condemned
And I realize what seems to die was never really alive
Now, I realize what seems to die was never really alive.
Every day's the same, up and down in the ego game
Every night's another reminder, of another end.
Running out of time, (running out)
Running out of time, (running out)
If this 'life' is all I get, then I am running out of it.
Running out of time. (running out).
Running out of time, (running out)
Running out of time, (running out)
If this 'life' is all I get, then I am running out of it.
Running out of time. (running out). (2X)
Inspired by the principles in A Course in Miracles. W-pI.139.
The Hush Of Heaven leo genereux 21Jul2015
Defined by my activities
Is how I demand to be
I'd rather be fighting for liberty
Then actually set myself free.
I dread those moments when stillness
Invades my frenzied mind
Apparently I trained my little brain
To keep busy all the time.
A busy, a busy, a busy, and a busy
A busy all the time
A busy, a busy, a busy, and a busy
A busy all the time
Idleness brings on my guilt
Busy-ness makes amends
My weary world I see was built
With caffeine and clever hands.
But, I'm realizing that my intensifying
Is not a blessing but a curse?
I'm riding a maelstrom of madness
'til I'm chauffeured in a hearse.
Chauffeured, chauffeured, chauffeured, and a chauffeured
A chauffeured in a hearse
Chauffeured, chauffeured, chauffeured, and a chauffeured
A chauffeured in a hearse.
Induced by grandiose delusions
For more luxurious confusions, and
No one believing it's a damned disease
Makes for an insane world.
Insane, a insane, a insane, and insaner,
Makes for an insane world.
Insane, a insane, a insane, and insaner,
Makes for an insane world.
But, I'm tired of all this trying
To justify my manic ways,
I choose, instead, the gentle Voice,
To guide me through the day;
Let the hush of Heaven hold my heart today,
The hush of Heaven hold my heart.
The hush of Heaven holds my heart today.
The hush of Heaven holds my heart
Let the hush of Heaven hold my heart today,
The hush of Heaven hold my heart.
The hush of Heaven holds my heart today.
The hush of Heaven holds my heart
Today. (3X)
Inspired by A Course in Miracles. W-pII.286.
A Tiny, Mad Idea leo genereux 21Jul2016
I forgot to laugh at the tiny mad idea
And everything's been crazy ever since
Not remembering I chose to live in fear
Mindless in my pseudo-life existence.
A body prone to sickness and decay
Is the tragic substitute that I made
Daily dressing me in pangs of pain
And tweaks of pleasure that so quickly fade.
My little mind within its private dream,
Chaotically cluttered with strange imaginings
This sorry little self consumed by fear
Being chased by lions, tigers and bears.
Lions, tigers and bears,
Imaginary life, imaginary cares.
Hiding love away, feeding my self fear
Was a tiny mad idea, tiny mad idea.
Ahh. ahh, ahh, ahh.
The song of innocence is left unheard
By the guilty for which never has occurred.
Belief in my creepy 'reality',
Is the only monster chasing me.
Freedom from this madness could be mine today
If I chose to leave my guilt behind
Let me remember that there is no sin
Innocence is my inheritance.
I forgot to laugh at the tiny, mad idea
And everything's been crazy ever since.
The choice for sanity is waiting for me here
I need but gently laugh at the mad idea.
Lions, tigers and bears,
Imaginary life, imaginary cares
Wishing to be separate from the One;
Was the mad idea that kept me on the run.
I forgot to laugh at the tiny, mad idea
And 'living' has been suffering ever since.
The choice for sanity is waiting for me here
I need but gently laugh at the mad idea.
I need but gently laugh
We all can gently laugh
Remember to laugh at the mad idea.
Ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha.
Inspired by W-pII.259 of A Course in Miracles.
Beginnings leo genereux 10Jan16
Love begins within the mind,
A thought devoid of fear.
The quiet place above the din
Of raging storms so threatening.
A single breath can lead the way
Beyond the cares that crowd the day;
The sad charade I call my life
The many trying games I play.
The chains I wore with pride before
Exchanged for freedom's wings.
Manacles lay on the floor,
My prison door is opening.
The simple truth is absolute
And speaks from deep within;
To be free from my slavery
To everyone freedom be given.
Freedom begins, freedom begins within.
Freedom begins, freedom begins within.
To the desperate, and afraid,
To all those gripped by suffering
To know myself the gift of peace,
Peace be to all my offering.
For as I give my peace to you
The gift becomes my own
Nothing but the touch of peace
Can gently guide me home.
The voice within the timeless mind
Whispers wordlessly;
To know that peace is truly mine,
To everyone peace must be given.
Peace begins, peace begins within
Peace begins, peace begins within.
Freedom begins, freedom begins within
Freedom begins, freedom begins within.
Love begins, love begins within
Love begins, love begins within.
Beginnings begin within
beginnings begin within.
Lyrics inspired by the teachings in A Course in Miracles.
All Is Forgiven leo genereux 01Nov2015
The self-accused condemns, hating others for his sins
The self-forgiven sends off doves of freedom
The self-accused is prisoner to his ancient dream
The self-forgiven is aware that prisoners awaken.
The self-accused is captive to the darkness of his guilt
The self-forgiven frees his mind from all that would imprison
The self-accused is unaware of the truth he won't let in;
Self-forgiveness is here and now, awaiting his decision, to sing,
All is forgiven, all is forgiven,
All is forgiven.
All is forgiven, all is forgiven,
All is forgiven.
The self-accused moves wearily burdened by his beliefs
upon the cruel and lonely world he bitterly condemns.
The self-forgiven walks lightly on his peaceful earth.
Beside his brothers forgiven,
Beside all his brothers forgiven, singing....
All is forgiven, all is forgiven,
All is forgiven.
All is forgiven, all is forgiven,
All is forgiven.
All is forgiven (6x)
Words inspired by the teachings in A Course in Miracles.
Spirit Am I leo genereux 05Apr2016
Come gather round people, and linger awhile
Your voice needs some singing, your face needs a smile.
A freedom bell ringing, a beckoning call
Our good will is bringing goodness to all.
Spirit Am I Holy Son of God
Free of all limits Safe and healed and whole
Free to forgive And free to save the world
Spirit am I Holy Son of God.
Ego moon's setting, Son begins to rise
Can you smell what's baking? Mom's delicious pies
Mango trees laden, sweet juicy fruit
Ripe for the pickin', fillin' up the ute.
Spirit Am I Holy Son of God
Free of all limits Safe and healed and whole
Free to forgive And free to save the world
Spirit am I Holy Son of God.
Toiling time over, come join the flow
Laugh and love the day away, let your worries go
Roundin' up your troubles, and bring 'em over here
Disappear like bubbles in our homemade beer.
Spirit Am I Holy Son of God
Free of all limits Safe and healed and whole
Free to forgive And free to save the world
Spirit am I Holy Son of God.
Bodies are for making all the madness go
No discombobulating, no room for feeling low
Deep within the glowing of innocence remains
No one here is guilty, everyone's the same.
Spirit Am I Holy Son of God
Free of all limits Safe and healed and whole
Free to forgive And free to save the world
Spirit am I Holy Son of God.
I am not a body I am free
For I am still as God created me.
I forgive myself for thinking that I should be damned
My one mistake was tryin' to shake the holiness I am.
Spirit Am I Holy Son of God
Free of all limits Safe and healed and whole
Free to forgive And free to save the world
Spirit am I Holy Son of God.
Spirit Am I
Spirit Am I
Spirit Am I
Spirit Am I
Inspired by A Course In Miracles W-p1.97
Italicized portions are from W-p1.199
Seasons leo genereux 25Feb2020
The ancient ruins are overgrown
Time has swallowed up their bones
Rainbow birds return again
Welcoming the springtime rains.
Summer's trance and autumn's glow
Winter's dancing flakes of snow
Will another spin around the sun
Teach us how to live as one?
Summer, fall, winter, spring
All the change the seasons bring
Let us choose to flow along
And rise to sing the seasons song,
Song, seasons song
Song, seasons' song.
The tears of mothers
The toil of slaves
The blood of brothers
The shallow graves
By choosing love we can change it all
And leave behind our need for war.
Live a life that's undefiled
Dare to be a nature's child
Awaken from the dismal night
Dive into the morning's light.
Summer, fall, winter, spring
All the change seasons bring
Let us choose to flow along
And rise to sing the seasons song.
Song, seasons song
Song, seasons song.
Today we change
The way we see
The world so that
It may be healed
Of all the fear
That we brought here
Believing in nightmares.
Today we find
The time to smile
And let our madness go awhile
Returning to the place of peace
Where love awaits our release.
Beyond our curse of cares
We journey to
The Self we share
Within the Mind above
Our sad and tragic games
Of guilt and blame.
Today we play
A different way
Where children sing
And laughter rings
And not a soul is left behind
Within their lonely mind.
The seasons show us how to change
Return to Love is why we came
To make that choice to join again
With our One voice in sweet refrain,
Of the season' song,
Seasons song
Seasons song
Seasons song
Seasons song.
Inspired by the perennial wisdom found in A Course In Miracles.